The Prevalence of Satanism dvd
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Prevalence of Satanism shows how many satanic organizations there are in the world and lists approximately 600 by name. By the way, there are over 10,000.
Pyramid Scheme - Satanism vs. New Age dvd
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Pyramid Scheme lists the differences between satanism and New Age religion. It is a good tool for parents who might wonder whether their kids are involved in something they shouldn't be and at what level of practice they might be.
Are you eating from satan’s shopping cart? dvd
(for Cd version Use drop down)
Are You Eating From Satan's Shopping Cart? lists 6 other companies, besides PepsiCo, that use the protein from aborted fetus kidneys to test flavor enhancement. For those who are wondering, Coke isn't safe either.
(for Cd version Use drop down)
My Juvenile Years (Or Is 15 years Old Too Late To Watch This DVD) tells the story of what I did from the ages of 10 to the age of 18. I was told by a friend that my material is age appropriate for someone 15 years old and older. But by the time I was 15 I had broken all 10 Commandments, performed my first assisted abortion, and was addicted to drugs, alcohol and pornography. 15 would have been 5 years too late for me to watch my own dvd.
Everything listed above comes in
DVDs $5 (+$6.50 shipping) or
CDs $3 (+$6.50 shipping)
I recommend getting the DVDs, if you can, because they include a lot of information you won’t get on the CDs.
CDs and DVDs
For Our Wrestling is not Against Flesh
For Our Wrestling is Not Against Flesh and Blood is a talk I made at the conference Putting On The Armor of God in Arlington Heights, Illinois. ( *Explicit Content*
CD $6 each (my talk alone on this CD) (+$6.50 shipping)
Conference CDs
Saint Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell satan, and all evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
All Saints Ministry
© 2022 by All Saints Ministry. All rights reserved.
All Saints Ministry
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